Peace Initiative Leaders Travel to Department of State.

sm leaders washingtonFrom L to R: Kwaje Lasu, Thon Chol, John Deng Ater, Alor Arop,
Rev. Curtis Peters, Dale Oelker

In May, several peace initiative leaders traveled to Washington D.C. where they were provided an opportunity to meet with officials in the U.S. Department of State to discuss the conflict in South Sudan. The 90 minute meeting focused on how to engage groups from throughout the U.S. in sending a strong, unified message of peace to South Sudan.

The group presented a document that encouraged the United States to be engaged in the peace process. They also shared the story of humanitarian aid being provided with the help of Kids Against Hunger-Louisville and A Child's Hope International (Cincinnati). The meeting also provided an opportunity for the Dept of State to share details on their efforts to stabilize the situation in South Sudan.


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